(02) 49 705 794

Spa Pools in hunter Valley

Classic Fibreglass Swimming Pool

Delivering great pool prices Australia wide, our six-seater Spa can be enjoyed all year round, hot in winter and cool in summer. Using your Harvest Spa is a perfect way to relax and unwind.

The Spa Range is available in a rounded shape 2.6 x 2.3 metres and also square shape 2.1 x 2.1 metres.

All spas include a Lifetime Warranty.

Spa Shape Spa Price (inc. GST)
 Rounded Spa  $ 11,000
 Square Spa  $ 11,000

Spa kits price includes:

  • typhoon 100 pump
  • c150 cartridge filter
  • 940wt air blower
  • 1x led spa light
  • 2.2kw or 5.5kw electric in line spa heater
  • 6 x spa jets

For more information on our pool prices and delivery rates Australia-wide, contact us on (02) 4970 5794 now.

Note: Spa images are not to scale

Call us today on (02) 49705 794 or Email us at sales@bermudapools.com.au


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